For example: If your child lied to you then you would simply pull out the blue folder labeled "Sins of the Tongue" and have him pick out one of the scriptures from the envelope labeled "lying"; such as "Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal faithfully are His delight." Proverbs 12:22. You then have several options depending on the age of the child. He could be required to memorize the scripture by a certain deadline or he could write it x number of times in a notebook. He might also need to look up "abomination" in the dictionary and/or find one other verse in Proverbs that deals with lying.
Isn't that great! What a way to teach scripture, encourage obedience to the Lord and to parents, and reinforce good penmanship, memorization and dictionary skills. I tell you this woman was a genius. The best part is the whole thing is already typed up, organized, sorted and filed...because we did that at the meeting as she spoke.
Of course at the time I had an 18 month old that couldn't read, write or lie so I didn't have much use for the giant binder of torture. Now, however, I do. I could use it everyday, maybe 3 or 4 times a day, but I couldn't find it anywhere...until today. There it was on a shelf in the closet as plain as day. I guess the plain green binder hadn't caught my eye before. I'm so excited to have it back. I can't wait to try it out. (insert evil laugh here)
I have a feeling that many of you could benefit from the wisdom of the binder too. So I've decided to post all of the information in the binder for you little by little. I"m not sure how long it will take so as not to bore the socks off the other readers who aren't interested I'm going to back date all of those scripture posts and label them "The Wisdom of Discipline". You can click on the labels link over on the side any time and find every post. It's going to take a while but eventually you will all have a binder full of "educational" scriptures to use on your kids too.
Click on the graphic above for more great tips!
That is an AWESOME idea! I will need to check back to see what some are so I can print them! Wow love it.
This is a fabulous idea! My little one is too young for this now, but just wait! I'll use this with such joy :)
This is a good idea. I would caution you, though, to make sure scripture is also sprinkled throughout your child's life in positive ways. My parents are amazing Christians and did "creative correction" before there was such a thing. They used this method a lot and I had a rebellious streak. Even as an adult I've struggled with enjoying reading the Bible. Just mix in the positive. We give Chuck E. Cheese tokens for memorized scripture and have a verse of the week we say in the mornings. I also make sure they see me reading my Bible and listening to the Bible on tape. Blessings!
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